What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You? Find out about your personality traits


What is your favorite color? Think about it for a moment: for sure, there is a shade that always cheers you up, gives you a special feeling of comfort, relaxes you, and makes you happy. This choice is not random; your favorite color reflects both your personality traits and your emotional state! Think of a color that pleases you today; remember a color you enjoyed a couple of years ago and let’s find out what it all means!

A brief description of each color

Your color is not necessarily the one that dominates your closet or the one that you paint your apartment walls year after year. To determine your color, you have to listen to yourself. Remember to look at the shades you are inspired by. The color that you imagine in your dreams defines your character.


Fans of the red are always self-confident and purposeful people. This is a very bright color chosen by very bright individuals. They are active, independent, and ambitious. Such people do not tolerate routine; they strive for a rich life full of bright events and impressions. Supporters of scarlet tones are irascible, passionate, and a little selfish. They are distinguished by a strong inner energy as well as the desire to win and lead.


Yellow is the color of optimists. Its admirers are characterized by creativity, great intuition, and a desire to develop and learn something new. These people are decisive, curious, and patient. They are able to make informed decisions, set goals, and achieve them. They adapt quickly to unfamiliar surroundings and easily get along with people. Furthermore, they are appreciated by everyone because of their openness and generosity. This color is chosen by sincere, creative people who are ready to experiment, no matter what happens in the end. The main thing is that they had fun, and the experience they gained is priceless.


Personalities whose favorite color is pink are characterized by a quiet temper, softness, and dreaminess. They have their own vision of the world, which often does not coincide with reality. They are not always able to objectively assess their strengths and abilities. Sometimes they deliberately try to appear fragile and defenseless in order to receive more care and attention, but at the same time, they are not stingy with affection.


If your favorite color is white, you are difficult to confuse or disorganize. Independence is very important to you. In addition, you have a well-developed skill of logical thinking, which helps you successfully cope with any challenges. It is a synthesis of all colors because it is the “perfect” color, the color of dreams. It has many meanings because it simultaneously conveys both the brilliance of light and the coldness of ice. This color can be preferred by people of any character; it does not repel anyone.


Since it is the color of the sky, it is usually associated with the spiritual elevation of a person and their purity. If you like it, it indicates modesty and melancholy; such a person often needs to rest; he or she gets tired quickly and easily; and a sense of confidence and the benevolence of others are extremely important to him or her. Blue indicates freedom, insouciance, and a tendency to change environments. 


Black is the opposite of white. It is the color of uncertainty, symbolizing a gloomy perception of life. These people reject the opinions of others and stubbornly pursue their goals. Black often hides true emotions, which prevents such people from making new acquaintances and maintaining good relationships, and they find it difficult to get out of conflict situations.


Brown is associated with respectability, homeliness, and family values. If a person likes this color, he or she enjoys tasty food and different pleasures. Such people look at the world with austerity and are aware of its imperfections. However, they are not just bystanders. They strive to fix the situation for the better, and often they succeed in changing the established order.


Grey is a favorite of intelligent, rational, and expedient natures. People of this color are smart and communicative. They are distinguished by a love for order—in the closet, in thoughts, in feelings. They are prone to intellectual activity and are able to analyze, which allows them to reach certain heights in the profession.

No favorite color?

If you don’t have one favorite color or shade, it doesn’t mean you’re not that kind of person! Diversity in color choices is most likely related to a person’s moment-to-moment mood, while constant preference for the same color over a long period of time may indicate an imbalance and the need to reconsider your outlook on life.


In everyday life, a preference for certain colors in clothing, interiors, and similar things can tell a lot. The presence of “favorite” and “not favorite” colors, undoubtedly, means a particular tendency in the human character and helps to diagnose the state of mind of this person at this particular time in life. Preferred colors can vary throughout life; in each area, there may be a “favorite”. But the most important thing is to follow your heart and soul. Do what you like!