Traditional Books vs. Digital Books in a Classroom

We live in a digital age, and many things we do daily are enhanced with technology. Whether it is finding answers to burning questions, getting help with homework, or using a pro essay writer service, technology can help make life easier in more than one way. Due to its long list of uses inside and outside of the classroom, educators are brainstorming ways to enhance classroom time, one of which focuses on books. 

Books nowadays can be created and used online, which come with many benefits. We’ll take a look at both the traditional book and the digital book, comparing them and their uses in the classroom. It’s much easier to enjoy the innovative technologies when you know all ins and outs thereof. Let’s examine how digitization has transformed the publishing business and what it has to offer in the educational realm. 


During a typical semester, students could take up to 6 classes. If each class calls for a textbook, which averages over $150, they could face a huge bill even before the semester starts. Add that to the cost of shipping and handling involved, and the expenses on top of tuition for the semester keep mounting. Even if you take the more affordable option of purchasing textbooks for the semester and rent your books or choose used versions, you’re still looking at a hefty fee. Plus, a very tragic fact is that students get very little compared to what they paid when they sell their rented books back. 

E-books, in terms of cost, leave the traditional textbook in the dust, costing less than half of the original price. Students can often pay for an E-book and score access to additional features that are only found online.  Once they are done with access, there is no need to deal with all the hassle of returning books for a low return price, and there is no need to worry about any damage that happened over the academic school year.

Environmental Effects

Paper comes from trees, and guess what those 500+ paged textbooks are made of? Paper! Every year and every new edition that comes out as new information comes out and new books are written, hundreds of thousands of trees get cut down. Before you cry your eyes out at your current book collection, know that there are trees planted specifically to print books. Still, to significantly reduce your carbon footprint, paper textbooks are not so environmentally friendly. The amount of energy it takes to produce paper, design the book, print, and bind is through the roof and affects the environment. 

E-books, on the other hand, are paper-free and require no kind of binding or staining with ink. While human hours go into it, as writers and graphic designers are needed, choosing digital copies over traditional textbooks is a great way to go green. You can do almost anything with your smartphone, even ask for help with an essay online, so why not have access to your textbook right in your hand?

Classroom Efficiency 

Matter takes up space, and nothing else can occupy that space (ask Newton). Books are solid objects that take up space and therefore need some room to stay. Bookshelves can be filled, and schools can run out of space to keep textbooks for their students. On top of that, when it is time to take books home, students need an extra-sturdy backpack and a set of strong muscles to carry them home. 

E-books also take up space, but of a different kind. They live in a digital world, fitting on devices like laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Students from elementary school up to those working on their Bachelor’s degree generally have at least one digital device. They can download an e-book on their preferred device and ditch the overweight backpack. The future is all about compartmentalizing, and e-books can help do that. No more breaking backs to get books read; students and professors can access them from their tablets or mobile phones even without a connection to the internet. 

Student Engagement 

Unless the textbook belongs to the student, they likely will not be able to mark it or make notes. A textbook does not leave much room for students to interact with material or with teachers or classmates. Everything is flat and one-dimensional in a traditional textbook, making learning the most boring subject even worse. Students need more interaction in the classroom and something that adapts to today’s digitally-savvy student. It’s funny how you can find essay editors free but textbooks, forget it. 

With an e-book, students can click, write, highlight, and draw anything that helps them. They can adjust text size and lighting to find the perfect fit for their eyes. Plus, if there are questions or doubts, there are message boards to ask classmates and teachers or find additional resources on the web. Some e-books even come with additional features, like games, quizzes, and study materials to help students excel. E-books help bring more engagement to learning and are much more fun to look at than the traditional textbook.

E-books Are the Key to Evolved Learning

The votes are in, and it looks like the textbook industry also needs a digital upgrade. They are not making the cut and seem a bit outdated compared to all the digital upgrades that several schools are now enjoying. Schools that incorporate e-books into their classrooms can enjoy: 

  • Lower costs 
  • A better environment 
  • More space 
  • More interaction between themselves and their students 

These days, you can find anything on the web. It is changing the way that we learn and the way that we work toward getting a degree. You can find a reddit essay writing service, information about virtually any topic you’re studying, and even valuable materials from previous and current students. Digital learning comes with many benefits for both schools and students that make them a great choice to evolve learning practices and take reading to the next level.